
Prime Rate Rates
Prime Rate 6.45%
YOUR Chequing Rates
0 to 499 0.000%
500 to 999 0.000%
1,000 to 2,999 0.000%
3,000 to 4,999 0.000%
5,000 and over 0.000%
YOUR Savings Rates
0 to 4,999 0.010%
5,000 to 9,999 0.010%
10,000 to 24,999 0.010%
25,000 to 59,999 0.010%
60,000 to 99,999 0.010%
100,000 and over 0.010%
High Interest Savings Account Rates
HISA 1.70%
1 Year Redeemable Term Deposit Rates
1 Year Redeemable Term Deposit 1.90%
Long Term Non Redeemable Term Deposits, Paid Monthly, 5,000 and over Rates
1 Year 3.65%
2 Year 3.45%
3 Year 3.40%
4 Year 3.35%
5 Year 3.30%
Long Term Non Redeemable Deposit 500 and over Rates
1 Year 3.90%
2 Year 3.70%
3 Year 3.65%
4 Year 3.60%
5 Year 3.55%
Redeemable RRSP Term Deposit Rates
1 Year 1.90%
RRSP Term Deposits Rates
1 Year 3.90%
2 Year 3.70%
3 Year 3.65%
4 Year 3.60%
5 Year 3.55%
RRSP Savings Account Rates
RRSP Savings Account 0.25%
RRIF Term Deposits Rates
1 Year 3.90%
2 Year 3.70%
3 Year 3.65%
4 Year 3.60%
5 Year 3.55%
RRIF Variable Savings Account Rates
RRIF Variable Savings Account 0.25%
RRIF Savings Account Rates
RRIF Savings Account (Min) 0.25%
RRIF Savings Account (Max) 0.25%


Allow us to shop the mortgage market for you as we have access to the best rates through our brokerage partner at League Savings and Mortgage.  Rates currently as low as 4.39% subject to change.

Please give us a call to make an appointment with one of our Financial Services Officers.
Interest rates are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice at any time.